Energy Chemical & Equipment Company
Founded as the manufacturer of Energy Ram and Diaphragm Pumps in 1984, Energy Chemical & Equipment Co. is an “in-house” manufacturing facility specialising in the design and manufacture of industrial Energy Ram and Diaphragm Pumps. The Company provides Customers with tough, robust, British Pumps that are uncompromising on Sludge and virtually indestructible. Energy Pumps work in-conjunction with the sturdy, Energy Ram and Diaphragm Valves and Diaphragms, ensuring costeffective maximum delivery, minimal problems and major Energy Efficiency.
Innovative and Reliable
Energy Chemical & Equipment Company’s vast experience in Sludge-handling has enabled them to ensure that their range of Bullfrog Valves are manufactured from a consistently reliable form of compounded rubber, upon which Sludge would otherwise have a seriously corrosive effect, regardless if the waste is natural or chemical. Patented Energy Valves and Diaphragms retain consistent elastic properties. Energy Pumps will reliably run at high or low pressures and cope well in extreme weather conditions. The Company spent some five years developing and testing their highquality products before they were satisfied with the reliability of their present rubber compound, which has operated with remarkable success for over 30 years. To increase the reliability of the Pumps Energy Diaphragms are reinforced with a heavy-duty multi-yarn fabric. Results from testing show that Energy Diaphragms and Valves exceed all expectations and there is a substantial increase in working pressures of Energy Pumps regularly being achieved because of the reinforced Valves and Diaphragms.
Energy Bullfrog Valves
Energy Ram, Maxi, Major and Mastiff Diaphragm Pumps have successfully used Patented Energy Ball, Bullfrog and Mallard Valves for over 25 years. The Valves are standard for Energy Ram and Diaphragm Pumps. Capable of handling up to 30% dry solids, while achieving constant pressures of up to 6-8 BAR, Energy Pumps using Energy Valves and Diaphragms are designed to easily pass ragging, also being blockage-free because of the reinforced designs. Energy Pumps are also popular for pumping Oil on Rigs, plus Effluent on Farms; Abattoirs; Grit and Silt in Quarries and in every area where moving heavy Sludge is a problem. Thousands of Energy Ram and Diaphragm Pumps are installed in the UK. Energy Pumps can be installed on lift and drop installations, or on long distance pumping for pressures up to 8 BAR, with a maximum solid size = 60mm.
Sturdy Castings: Tough Pumps
Patented Aluminium Castings, carefully designed by the Partners of Energy Chemical & Equipment Company, serve the Customer with high-performance Energy Ram and Diaphragm Pumps that often last for over 20 years and cause fewer problems and less mess on site than any other industrial pumps. Recognition and resolution of common Sludge problems can be frustrating for the busy onsite Engineer. Energy Ram and Diaphragm Pumps featuring Energy Valves and Diaphragms are successfully competitive and carefully manufactured to cope with on-site difficulties, allowing busy Engineers peace of mind. Energy Pumps have a high resilience to Primary or Thickened Sludges which typically contain rags, grit, bone, bricks and silt.
Energy Diaphragm Pumps: Fully Portable Units
All Energy Diaphragm Pumps are fully portable according to the Customer’s requirements. Typical applications for Energy Diaphragm Pumps fully portable units can be found on Farms for pumping Effluent, Grain and Food waste, plus MOD mobile sludge-pumping units for camps: Black and Grey water on board ships and yachts: On-site portable mobile units for Construction sites.
All Energy Ram and Diaphragm Pumps are competitively priced and cost-effective, providing Water Authorities with genuine cost-saving industrial Energy Pumping equipment for most Sludge applications. Energy Ram and Diaphragm Pumps, when put on test runs, shall always and without failure or complications form tough competition against other pumps in terms of longevity, quality, strength, delivery and cost. Energy Diaphragm Pumps are more cost-effective than any centrifugal pump and the Energy Mastiff Diaphragm Pump will often do the work of a ram pump more energyefficiently and more cost-effectively.
Energy Efficient
All Energy Ram and Diaphragm Pumps are eligible for the ECA claims, as all Energy Pumps are supplied with energy-efficient, long-lasting IE2 Motors where applicable. Energy Diaphragm Pumps will “run dry.”
For maintenance purposes, Energy Valves and Diaphragms are quick and simple to install and maintain while making the on-site Engineer’s life easier. Engineers can rest assured that Energy Pumps with Energy Valves will quietly get on with the job they have been employed to do. Advice and on-site assistance, plus a free demonstration of how to maintain Energy Ram and Diaphragm Pumps is offered to all Customers. Energy Ram and Diaphragm Pumps are uncomplicated as becomes clear when using Energy Ram and Diaphragm Pumps. Energy Valves and Diaphragms are easily and quickly removed for maintenance purposes, facilitating site Engineers to complete maintenance efficiently and without complications or undue stress. Site Engineers confirm that their “Preferred Pumps are Energy Pumps”. All Energy Diaphragm and Ram Pumps and all parts and spares have been designed, Manufactured and Patented by the Partners of the Energy Chemical & Equipment Company, pioneers of solid, robust British Pumps for heavy-duty Sewage Treatment and Filter Press Feeds since 1979.
Parts and Spares
Parts and Spares are stored the factory and are readily available from off the shelf and shipped out within 48 hours when necessary. Energy Chemical & Equipment Company Team work pro-actively with their Customers, ensuring consistent quality control of Energy Ram and Diaphragm Pumps and providing complete Customer satisfaction with every purchase.
Best of British Quality Engineering
Energy Ram and Diaphragm Pumps are the only wholly British Ram and Diaphragm Pumps manufactured in or around the UK. Energy Chemical & Equipment Company is entirely British-based being the only in-house British Sewage Pump manufacturer in the Unites Kingdom, providing Customers with the very best of British Energy Pump engineering for over three decades. Energy Ram and Diaphragm Pumps are notably the British Bulldogs of the sewage pumping industry.