
How to create a sustainable kitchen without breaking the bank

Investing in a new kitchen is a significant decision, but creating a sustainable and environmentally friendly space doesn’t have to be a costly one. In today’s world, reducing our impact on the planet is more important than ever. But let’s face it, renovations can be daunting and sometimes expensive. The good news? Creating a sustainable and eco-friendly kitchen doesn’t have to cost a fortune. In fact, it can even save you money in the long run. Will Frankling, co-founder of Kitchen Makeovers, shares his expert tips on transforming your kitchen into a sustainable and budget-friendly haven.


The rise of part updates

Homeowners are increasingly turning to ‘part updates’ for their kitchens, opting for targeted improvements rather than full-scale renovations. This could involve refreshing kitchen cupboards with new doors (or even just a coat of paint) instead of a complete kitchen gut-and-rebuild. This approach not only saves money but is also a brilliant way of reducing waste.


It’s easy to achieve the look and feel of a brand-new design, just by upgrading key components. In 2022, homeowners on average saved £5,412 by doing ‘part updates’ instead of complete refurbishments1. Not only is this option more affordable, but it also often comes with a lot less upheaval than a full renovation brings. Find yourself a good, reliable tradesperson and a brand-new-looking kitchen can be fitted in two or three days – compared to the weeks often required for a full renovation. At Kitchen Makeovers, we offer a wide range of designs with different colours and materials and our projects can be fitted and completed in a matter of days, not weeks.


Before you take your old kitchen to the tip, consider ways you can reduce the waste created. Many items can be recycled, upcycled, donated, or even sold. Cabinet doors, handles, and appliances in good working order can all find a new life through donation to charities or resale through online marketplaces. For those who enjoy DIY projects, old countertops and cabinetry can be creatively repurposed into furniture or storage solutions. By opting for ‘part updates’ and responsibly managing old materials, it’s a win-win for both wallets and the environment.


Making our homes more energy efficient

With the cost of living still high and energy bills causing more than a headache for some, finding ways to make our homes more energy efficient in recent years has seen a massive leap in demand. In 2023, half (50%) of UK homeowners said saving money on their bills was their biggest motivation for installing eco home improvements1.


It will come as no surprise that the most popular eco home improvements are the ones that provide the best value for money. Draught-proofing windows, doors, and any small gaps keeps precious warm air inside during winter and cool air in during summer. This translates to less reliance on heating and cooling systems, and smaller energy bills. Proper wall and loft insulation helps trap heat in the winter and keeps it out in the summer, leading to year-round savings. Double or triple glazing windows also represents an opportunity to save money in the long run.


Modern, energy-efficient kitchen appliances are designed to use less power while delivering the same performance. Look for the Energy Star rating when shopping for new appliances – it’s a quick way to identify the most energy-saving models. Low-flow faucets and aerators significantly reduce water usage without compromising water pressure. Consider a water-efficient dishwasher as well. Finally, explore countertop appliances like air fryers and pressure cookers. These trendy devices are known for their energy-efficient cooking methods, helping you whip up delicious meals while saving you money at the same time.

Going greener

The increased demand for more sustainable renovations had also forced tradespeople to change their own offerings. 77% of tradespeople adapted their business to become more environmentally friendly in 20221. Sustainability is no longer a niche concern but a mainstream expectation. This means homeowners can now find a wider range of eco-conscious options and skilled professionals to execute their sustainable kitchen vision.

So, before you make any final decisions when renovating, take a minute to consider the environmental impact of the materials you’re choosing. Kitchens truly are the heart of the home, and with a little planning and resourcefulness, you can create a space that benefits both the planet and your bank account.

For more information about Kitchen Makeovers, visit

