Water supply pipes replacement in under 2 hours…no major excavations, minimal disruption.

Whether its an unreliable or leaking supply or discovery of lead supply pipes, water supply pipe replacement is not undertaken lightly.
Water suppliers can insist on leaking pipes being repaired or replaced, and lead supply pipes are surprisingly common. Although the use of lead in plumbing has been banned in the UK for over 50 years, there are still many properties where lead contamination of water is a risk. Properties built before 1970 would have been constructed with lead water supply pipes, with up to a third of these older properties in the UK still receiving their water through these original lead pipes.1 Awareness of the potential health problems caused by lead in the water supply, particularly in infants and children is growing and the only totally secure method to reduce lead levels in the water supply is to replace the original supply with modern plastic pipe.
Whilst Grant aid may be available to assist lead pipe replacement programmes, and some water suppliers, such as Welsh Water are providing fully funded lead replacement programmes2, the disruption to the householder is enough to deter many from water supply pipe replacement.
INSUduct is the only option to provide a fast and effective solution where total supply replacement is required. It can be completed in under 2 hours and with minimal impact on the householder.
Unlike traditional methods, INSUduct allows the new water service to be routed up the external face of the building and connected to the internal plumbing above ground level, whether this is the ground floor or upper storey. INSUduct is carefully fabricated to provide long lasting and effective thermal protection to water pipes and fittings outside the thermal envelope of a building. There is little impact on the exterior appearance of the property, as the INSUduct system provides a neat, clean finish to the job.
An INSUduct supply replacement requires one simple core drilled hole through the wall, at an appropriate point to connect with the internal plumbing, this enables most lead replacement operations to be completed within a couple of hours, without undue disruption to householders/occupiers.
INSUduct is also ideal for projects where new multiple supplies are required as it allows for up to three 32mm OD water supply pipes to be installed to the exterior of the building. Combined with the Groundbreaker water management system, it provides the most efficient solution to installation on new water services, saving both time and money.
For more information please see our web site www.groundbreaker.co.uk/INSUduct or search “Watersafe/lead in water” or your local water company.
- https://www.unitedutilities.com/help-and-support/your-water-supply/lead-pipes/
- For more information please see our web site groundbreaker.co.uk/INSUduct or search “Watersafe/lead in water” or your local water company.